WordPress Migrations

An outdated website written in old code, following old web design and SEO standards can be devastating to online performance. A properly coded WordPress website, with strong Google SEO, can keep customers and potential customers coming back for more.

Business owners often spend years developing and perfecting a website and online presence. Technology moves so quickly, often, a website can become stale and outdated nearly overnight.

Transitioning an old outdated website into a new modernized code base, yet maintaining all content in proper order, can be a challenging and daunting process.

Ensuring search engine traction and other online traction is not lost is also a critical part of this process.

This transition process is called a WordPress Migration or WordPress Conversion.

w3developing has successfully achieved 100s of WordPress migrations and conversions with improved online results in every case.

A brief video explaining WordPress Migrations

We are ready to help you migrate to WordPress today!