Accurate ROI Marketing

Any time a business is considering investing in something for the company, business owners and managers will want to have an understanding of the return on investment they are going to get for such a decision. And that is not at all unreasonable. Spending money on anything should come with an understanding of the return on investment one will get from that expenditure.

Golden Dental Marketing is somewhat unique in its transparency regarding return on investment. While most marketing companies usually have little means of showing their clients how their services generate new business for their clients, Golden Dental Marketing created a proprietary system for accurately graphing and recording new leads, new patient sign-ups, return patient leads, and more. Furthermore, GDM can systematically track where these leads and service sign-ups are coming from, effectively showing dental practice managers exactly how GDM’s services relate to practice growth.

Jason Wydro, the founder and creator of Golden Dental Marketing, was very adamant about creating a transparent system for accurate ROI tracking. In his own words:

  • “Just like anything else you purchase for your practice, you want to understand what your return on investment is going to be like. So, the same with online advertising, the same with online promotion and search engine work, social media work, etc. You should know and have an understanding of what you’re actually producing, in terms of the business that’s being generated versus how much you’re spending.”

A dental marketing agency that incorporates accurate ROI marketing is an agency that is 100% confident that it can get you results. Golden Dental Marketing is such an agency. Schedule a complimentary consultation call with one of our marketing experts today to learn how GDM can help you save up to 87% on your online marketing (and how we can show those results with understandable ROI reporting, every step of the way!)